616 items total
Epithelantha unguispina HR 111 El Salitro,E of Mina,NL 660m Code: CACT-IMG262
Epithelantha unguispina PM San Nicolas Hidalgo,NL Code: CACT-IMG263
Epithelantha unguispina ssp.crypica, VM 635, Castaňos Code: CACT-IMG264
Eriosyce aurata  MKR 802 Hurtado, Chile
Code: CACT-IMG265
Eriosyce aurata LK 66/12 Vicuna-Hurtado,Chile Code: CACT-IMG266
Eriosyce ihotzkyana MKR 804
Eriosyce ihotzkyana MKR 804
Momentálně nedostupné
Code: CACT-IMG267
Escobaria (Neobesseya) cubensis GCG 9899 Holguin Code: CACT-IMG272
Escobaria grata RSTR 91 Comandante, Coah. Code: CACT-IMG275
Escobaria minima GCG 10692 S of Marathon, Brewster Co., Tx. Code: CACT-IMG276
Eulychnia acida MKR 806 before Vicuna, Chile Code: CACT-IMG282
Ferocactus rectispinus KPP 1761 Agua Verde, BC  (3- Code: CACT-IMG283
Geohintonia mexicana GCG 12638  km19 La Poza-Rio San Jose, NL Code: CACT-IMG285
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